Title IX
Title IX of the U.S. Education Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities in federally funded schools. Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity.
The School of Health Professions has vowed to support and enrich students’ collegial experience by recognizing and appreciating differences among students – including race, color, age, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and disability. [SHP-ADMIN-15 Title IX Policy].
The school strives to create an environment for students and employees that is welcoming, inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination, intolerance, and harassment. The school does not permit the use of its facilities, equipment, or space to produce materials or engage in activities that inflict physical or emotional harm on students, faculty, or staff or that impede the right of individuals to work, learn, and participate in school programs and activities in violation of the U.S. Constitution, federal or state laws and regulations, and/or school policies.
Title IX regulations require training materials to be made publicly available on the University’s website.
Module 1 – An Introduction to Managing Title IX Sexual Harassment on Campus
Module 2 – Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment
Module 3 – Title IX Investigations & Informal Resolutions
Module 4 – Title IX Hearings
Module 5 – Title IX Determinations
Module 6 – Title IX Appeals
The school’s Title IX Coordinator who oversees inquiries regarding nondiscriminatory policies is:
Diane Tyler, B.S., CAP, OM
Administrative Assistant/Safety Officer
Baptist Health System
School of Health Professions
8400 Datapoint Drive, Suite 407
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3234
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Office: 210-297-9630
Fax: 210-297-0075